I am very excited about my very first opportunity to share with you. I am actually quite nervous, but I am going to push that aside and go for.
Have you ever experienced those times when you were scrapbooking along and the right piece of paper could not be found in your own personal stash?
Well, if you haven’t, I have.
Usually when I make time to scrapbook, I will buy all of my supplies at one time. But there are times when I get going, my themes and colors get changed, and I am doing more freestyle then I thought I would.
I have come across a way to save myself another trip to the craft store. I would not say this would be your best option for mass production, but for a little here and there, it will work fabulously.
It is PRINTING YOUR OWN SCRAPBOOKING SUPPLIES. I have found several sites on the Internet that allow you to download patterned paper. And the best part is, most of it is FREE!
To make sure I was giving you good stuff, I printed off a couple of sheets from different sites. What I have found was, it is a great option if you are not looking for a lot and you do not want to go back to the craft store and search something out.
Of course, you are going to get the best quality if you have a decent printer. You also should be using quality paper.
If you are planning on layering many pages, regular printer paper will do you fine. If you are planning for this piece to go solo, I think using card stock is the better option. I also think if you are wanting the glossy look, you could use photo paper. If you are wanting to add more color, then you could use solid colored paper and give it just a little more.
What I love about it is, you can make it your way and the fact that you get it for free.
I have included some links. I hope you check them out and enjoy scrapbooking your way.
hp invent
Canon Scrapbooking
great idea and time saver! thanks Jessica