I cannot believe that November is closing in and coming to an end. For those in the United States, Thanksgiving is coming up and already, the thoughts of expanding waistlines and family stories around heavily laden tables are in the forefront of our minds. In our home, we concentrate on the things we are thankful for. This season, many people are unsure about the future and their finances, jobs and retirement savings weigh heavily on people’s hearts but, all this aside, there is just so much to be thankful for. It could be in the toothless grin of a newborn, the twinkle in the eye of a 4 year old being read to, the laughter that causes tears to literally run down your face and your sides hurt, or the fact that you found an extra dollar bill in your pocket while doing the laundry. The point is, thankfulness comes most often in many really small things not huge things and, it is up to you to document them in order to remember them later on.
ShabbyAddict on Etsy.com had these wonderful images
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