For my [tag]digital scrapbooking[/tag] friends, I want to bring to your attention again one of the great digital scrapbooking sites I have found, [tag][/tag]. I know earlier I told you about some programs that they sell called Scrapbooking Software Secrets Revealed! You can either buys these on a CD or just download them straight from the site. They have these programs for many of the digital imaging programs you may be using like Paint Shop Pro and PhotoShop Elements. I have not tried them, but they come highly recommended.
I also enjoy their site. It is vibrant and fun. They have wonderful insight and great stories to tell. They have beautiful layouts that their designers share with you.
They have a boutique where you can purchase more tutorials and kits. Or you can join two different monthly clubs that provide you with digital scrapbooking kits. One is called the Scrap Girls Club. The other is called Scrap Simple Club. I have provided you links to the info for both of these clubs. Their digital kits are definitely top rate. I love all of their items.
They have a message board, a gallery where members have posted their personal layouts, chat room, and so much more.
The last thing I would like to bring to your attention is their daily newsletter they send out. It is full of great information, but it also comes with freebies. So everyday you can receive a new digital scrapbooking element for free.
And right now, if you go to their site, they have a great freebie they are offering. It is an entire kit called Scrap Girls Refresh Collection Biggie. I have provided you with a link directly to the page that the freebie kit is on. It is beautiful. It is full of bright, vibrant colors and great embellishments for summer fun. All you have to do when you get to the page is scroll down and click on each of the download buttons. All you have to do after that is wait for the downloads to complete and you have a whole new set to create with.
If you have not noticed, this is definitely one of my most favorite sites. I love all that they put into for us. I hope you will take the time to check it out.
This is great!