Teresa Collins has just introduced her new stamp maker machine. You can use it to create customised stamp designs in just five minutes! Click here for more information
Have you read?
FREE Sleeping Animals Clip Art for Baby
This absolutely adorable set of FREE clip art contains 44 images of sleeping animals and accessories. You’ll find snuggly deer, bunnies, squirrels, bears, mice, owls, pandas and otters along with stacks of pillows, stars, trees, pj’s, moons, candles and so much more. These pale sepia, grey and pink color tones perfectly capture the softness and sweetness of sleeping babies. You can download and print these images to include on babies scrapbook layouts, baby shower invite cards and printable art for the babies room.
Click here to visit Design Bundles to get this collection for yourself.
You can find even more digital downloads at Design Bundles
What a great idea, already on my wish list!
So innovative! cannot wait to start creating my own stamps!
The stamp maker is not for the faint of heart. You need and inkjet printer–I dont have one, so used a sharpie marker to darken my image and make it opaque. I found the words I printed out were crisp and clear–my image which came from a photograph was less clear, but I was able to touch up the stamped image to my liking. This is definately a fun machine and takes some getting used to–if you are willing to touch up your stamped image if it is not perfect then this machine is for you–
The stamps are not soft however, they are hardish plastic, and need sticky tape to stick to your block. 2 sheets of tape are provided with the machine–
teresa collins stamp maker Image Setup and Printing has not been easy for me i have a mac the program wont work and i have a canon printer that dose not have a setting for transparency … anyone know fixes to my lil problems please … thank you
I have tried it twice and both times it isnot
working… i even used the negative it came with and it did not work … this is an expensive tool to practice until perfect…
I am not loving it yet ,,,, I will try again tommorrow .. i got an hp printer just for it.
I dd do one at the convention with CHarlies and it came out perfect so I know there is a learning curb… but all things great are worth trying again and again …
I just received mine today and there is definitely some learning to do. My printer won’t print dark enough to create a crisp image so what I did was print twice then glued the two pieces together. I know it uses up the film fast but it worked great!
Another idea is you can cut images with a die cut machine using black paper and use that as your “film”.
I am so excited about all the possibilities this baby has!
What about printing in white ink on black paper, would that work? I’m researching this to consider a purchase….thanks.