Rachel Kaufman just started an interesting company called Scrapbooking From The Inside Out. There are many things that intrigue me about her concept. First, it is about emotion, namely YOUR emotion and how YOU feel. The premise is, you spend your time and resources documenting the important events of the other people in your life but, manage to not share too much about yourself and who you are with those looking through your handiwork. It makes sense when you think about it. So, that is the first interesting thing…scrapping an emotion to reveal a bit about ourselves to others. The second is, that it is a club that sends you the necessary tools to examine the highlighted emotion….you aren’t starting out with a picture or some hunk of ribbon that you simply *HAD* to have as your source of inspiration, your starting point is a feeling. Using the trinkets and treasures you get in the mail, you are encouraged to think about that emotion and scrap your thoughts about it.
As an instructor that teaches more technique driven classes, the reason this strikes a chord with me is, it emphasizes the process and encourages introspection and self exploration rather than “the sticking “A” to “B” and creating what is highlighted there on the box” type project. I guess for me, I am not interested in seeing if folks can create a spitting image of the sample I created. I get more giddy about the people who choose to take ownership of the materials and look for ways to put their own mark on them. I am anxious to hear your thoughts….. Go check it out– I’d love to see the crazy amazing things you come up with!
I received an amazing box from the folks over there at Inside and Out and I will tell you folks, I am impressed. The one thing that stuck out the most was the variety of product, the time and thought that went into what was included and the attention to diversity- many manufacturers were represented here AND, they worked together perfectly. I am looking forward to meeting these folks in person at CHA.