Thereare so many things you can do with these free calendar printables from two-forty-six. They print out at 4×6 and so work perfectly for pocket scrapbooking. There’s even a vertical version. use them to make notes during the months, or as mini scrapbook pages that you can then slip into your albums. They come in a variety of font styles, and even a blank version. print on plain or patterned paper to suit your mood!
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FREE Sleeping Animals Clip Art for Baby
This absolutely adorable set of FREE clip art contains 44 images of sleeping animals and accessories. You’ll find snuggly deer, bunnies, squirrels, bears, mice, owls, pandas and otters along with stacks of pillows, stars, trees, pj’s, moons, candles and so much more. These pale sepia, grey and pink color tones perfectly capture the softness and sweetness of sleeping babies. You can download and print these images to include on babies scrapbook layouts, baby shower invite cards and printable art for the babies room.
Click here to visit Design Bundles to get this collection for yourself.
You can find even more digital downloads at Design Bundles
Hi hun, I’ve just found your blog and I’ve followed because I think it’s a wonderful blog. I’m looking to begin and hopefully complete my first scrapbook this year and would love any tips for first time scrapbookers about what programs to choose and what equipment is necessary.
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